Jewellery Valuation & Associated Services
An outline of how we can assist you
JEMS and Valugem provide unrivalled full-service ministrations to discerning corporate and private clients. Our services encompass all legal, valuation, identification, acquisition and disposal aspects relating to jewellery, diamonds, gemstones and watches.
- Our Modus Operandi
- Jewellery Valuations Explained
Links to useful information:
Valuations are provided for any purpose, function and intended use and these include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Insurance Cover
- Probate
- Sale Between Parties (Private Treaty)
- Cash Liquidation (includes Family Division of Property, Divorce Settlement and Capital Gains Tax)
- Forced Sale
Legal, valuation, identification, acquisition and disposal services relating to jewellery.
Post Loss Assessment Reports are provided in support of insurance claims when there is little, or no, credible documentary evidence of values or original purchase prices.
Independent Impartial Reports are provided for private individuals in dispute situations relating to the value and/or identification and quality of jewellery, gems, and diamonds. The primary objective of the Report is to resolve the dispute between the parties without recourse to litigation.
Personal Consultancy
We have an established and comprehensive database of trade contacts, enabling our consultancy to embrace all aspects of your jewellery requirements. Some of these services are provided pro-gratis, but most are rendered on a modest commission basis or are levied at an hourly rate, which means you can benefit from trade prices. Some (but not all) of these services are as follows:
Disposal of (or sometimes part-exchanging) unwanted items. We are often instructed to sell a diverse range of clients' jewellery at all value levels. We can identify the best route for disposal, depending on the nature and value of the property, thus maximising the amounts received by you
Acquisitions of specific items (or perhaps starting a collection). We do not hold stocks of jewellery, but we can source a selection of whatever is required, which can then be viewed in the comfort of your own home, thus eliminating the sales pitch.
Pre-purchase Assessments
Suppose you are contemplating purchasing something and wish to be reassured that it is authentic and that the asking price is fair. In that case, we can provide verbal advice in these respects or undertake a formal valuation.
Alternatively, suppose you are tempted by something in a forthcoming auction sale but are unsure about buying it. In that case, we can view it on your behalf and advise accordingly, perhaps giving you a bid ceiling. When instructed, we also attend auctions, bidding anonymously on our client's behalf, for items pre-discussed.
Repair - Restore - Design
Repairing, restoring and/or re-designing sentimental items that are not worn anymore. We have a network of craftsmen who work wonders with broken, worn, and/or old-fashioned jewellery and who never cease to amaze us with their skills.
Condition Statements
Confirmatory letters provided when insurers require assurance that settings securing gems and diamonds, and/or jointings etc., are safe.
Corporate & Commercial Consultancy
This area of JEMS involves a myriad of services, including:
- We are contracted to the Chubb Insurance Company to provide high value jewellery related risk services for its elite Signature clients
- Trade valuations for selected retailers
- Stock audits for retailers and/or financial institutions and venture capitalists
- Valuation of civic silverware and regalia/insignia
- Investigation of problematic and/or potentially fraudulent jewellery insurance claims
Expert Witness & Legal Consultancy Work
This is now a vital part of JEM activities, reflecting truly impartial diverse expertise, which is used in conjunction with analytical mediation skills and a logical approach for the following:
- Expert Witness Reports are typically provided in litigious situations, or during civil or criminal proceedings. These Reports are commissioned on behalf of the Defence or the Prosecution, or when a Single Joint Expert is required
- Professional advice and assistance for private clients and law firms, in litigious dispute situations and in civil and criminal proceedings
- Attendance at Court to give oral evidence